Tuesday, April 22, 2008

True Love

What people from today know about this subject ???? Is there anymore today ? Can we be only small little person and give unconditional true love? Can we say i forgive you without doubt?

I really still believe we can ... but the world is getting worse and worse ... terrorism and things like that are against true love ! We should love each other we should count on each other we should bring happiness to each others heart!

Put yourself a question why are we in this world ? Which is the most eternal feeling ? Love without any doubt! Now if you feel you agree with my article call someone who you love or who is waiting you to accept their apologize! For a moment try to give unconditional true love! make the world a better place! Take part of if! Don't let the money and terrorism kill your heart and soul! make the ice melt and throw away the stone from your hearts place! Please for the sake of your life and world remember and never forget to love! It is the feeling all of us should count on ! God said give love and you will get love ! It isn't hard to do ! :)

I really hope that you feel how important this is !

Live your life in peace ... understand others .... forget the war .. forget money and put on the first place of your heart the LOVE and let it guide it!

What do you feel reading this article ! I really want to know!


I was wondering if they are good or bad?
To be a day dreamer , to run after illusions! I think it can be good you can create yourself a kind of dream world and you can find your place in it . You can have a dream an illusion which can cheer you up or can make you happy. Maybe everyone should have illusions ! The most of us are afraid of not reaching their dreams and illusions and they prefer not to have! I put the question which is better to have illusions or not ?
Life can be so cruel we all need something which can get us out from the gray week days!
I wonder is is better to have illusions or is it better to live all the time in reality ? I think if we can't put down our problems for a while the soon all of us will got mad!
I really don't know ! I'm curious what people around here think about it ! Do you agree or not?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

hold it all inside??

Hold it all inside ! Don't even show that you are weak! Don't even show that you are sad!
We all say these things like they were sin , you shouldn't let other know what you fell! But i still keep asking why?
Why is that better? There is no answer ! We don't show others what we feel we want to be stronger better than the other! whatever .... We are lying our self and everyone around us! No matter how hard , strong and happy we are i must ask you what is in our soul?
We judge those who are weak or sad! We are wrong not them ! They are honest we aren't! Why means that we are perfect if we pretend to feel ok and smile when we want to cry?
Pretending and pretending till we will got mad!
I'm really curious why we judge for example a man who is crying ? Why we don't understand that person who is honestly saying that a broke up hurt him?
Is there a law or order that we must be happy and strong? No there isn't so don't hold it all inside show that you are happy, sad, amazed, lost etc. We are all human beings so we should act like this! Remember no one is perfect!
Do you agree?