Saturday, December 15, 2007

the little beauties of life

little wonders .......small things........ little beauties .......
Why are they in our life? They are in our life to make it nice, beautiful , amazing !They are the light in the darkness ! In each moment of life they are present and never let us fall down completely! Even in pain , even in sorrow , even in broke up there is the hope , there are some little things which gave us energy, help us to forget the past, to get over something! And this is just amazing !
Think about your family are there a little wonder? Yes they are !
Think about your friends are they always near you....are they making life a better place ? Yes they are!
Think about nature : sunset sunrise , snowing , are they making life beautiful? Yes they are!

When you will loose everything: think about those who love you , think about that after this can come just better days !
When you loose your hope then think about those who have never had hopes ....

When you are desperate , when you want to commit suicide think about those who would gave everything to live ...

When you feel your life is horrible than think very well and find those moments when you were happy , when you said that: "this day is the best "....

Don't live in the past and from past : Live for the present for those moments and find the little beauties of it!"Remember yesterday.... Think about tomorrow .... Live for today".....
Never give up no matter how hard is never give up!

I know life is not easy ! Nobody says it is ! Never was and never will be ! BUT you know what ?
I really think if life would be easy it wold be boring!