Monday, January 28, 2008

when you think everything is gone bad

Sometimes i really feel that everything is going bad ! That's making me feel so small and so exhausted in this world ! Those moments are so hard ! I guess everyone has got moments like this !
Sometimes we can be so happy and everything is going right ! In those moments we know everything about our life we are the leader of our life !
But what happens when loose control in our life ? What happens when we feel so exhausted and so lost in this world? Can we think clear ? Can we think about what is the best in our life? I doubt it!
I can just hope that in those moments i can think about those many things which made me once happy , which made me appreciate my life! The best way it would be to make a short trip on our mind between our memories and stop in each moment when we find a very nice memory! :) Surely will make us feel much better!
Some situations for example : When you broke up with the person you love :instead of crying think about that how beautiful it was your relation with that person , remember the nice moments spent together! When you loose a friend ( He/She moved ) Don't think about missing them ! Think about the time spent together , think about that you will meet them again :) (you will visit them)! When you feel everything is going bad and you have no reason in life think about those who love you., think about those who need you ! If you fight with someone or if you are upset from someone : think about that you love that person and learn to say sorry and to forgive ! We often say things we really don't mean !
So when you are totally lost in this big world then never forget that you have people around you who love you , never forget that after bad moments can come only good moments ! Never forget that you must get over everything no matter how hard it is ! Just keep your head up and say i can do that ('cause life is unfair but we must live in it)! And finally never forget that everything can be solved ! Music , reading or some tea and sleeping can help you also in those moments ! :)

What do you think? Send me comment with your opinion !


mace said...

Ma dor ochii asa de tare, serios, nu pot sa urmaresc articolul, poate daca ai schimba culorile...

Anonymous said...

you are right....

friendlyheart said...

Mace am schimbat putin culorile sper ca asa o sa fie mai usor sa citesti :) mersi pentru observatie

mace said...

Wow, cred ca ai fi o buna autoare de carti "motivationale", gandesti atat de american! E clar, stii sa manevrezi cuvintele din limba engleza, dar nu ai spus nimic nou. Nu cred ca dupa ce ai suferit o mare pierdere, e bine sa iti distragi atentia folosind tot felul de siretlicuri, nu am vazut pe nimeni care sa reuseasca cu adevarat acest lucru. E ca si cum ti-ai fura propia caciula. Imi place cum scrii dar cred ca ar trebuii sa faci asta mai des.
Iti multumesc ca esti o cititoare constanta a blogului meu, in ciuda faptului ca am scris cateva articole cu care probabil nu esti de acord.