Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I am the memory ! I am your past present and future! You may ask why?
Look there is the reason! I am the past because I am all the things you want to remember and you don't want to ! I am your present because you live from the things you did in the past! i am your future because you can't leave me no matter how hard you would try!
You may say I'm a bad thing .....yes but I can be a very nice thing to ! You need to go on with your life ! you can't go on with it till you are busy with forgetting me ! Me the memory can be denied but never deleted from your mind! maybe you shouldn't try to forget you should try to live with me!

So i go every day to your heart and soul visit them very carefully to see how much can i hurt you or how much can I make you happy! But at almost every time I open the door of your heart everything turns to dark in you ! You really want to get me out of your mind! You can't and that's why you are crying so much!

Flower soul

The nature and the human being can't exist one without the other! That's why i think this can be a great definition of the soul!
Our soul is the most innocent most clear and most honest part of us:) I guess our soul is a big , colorful and beautiful flower! As the flower our soul too can die or can feel bad! If you are sad you don't care about your soul and it gets dark and little! If you don't take care of a flower it also gets gray. Without water as your soul without energy and happiness is starving !When you are happy your soul is happy too it is just flourishing it is beautiful and it is opened like a little nice scented flower!
Innocence and beauty comes from heart and soul as well unconditional true love :)