Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Magic bond forming tonight

Standing in my room’s dim light
Watching the sky catching a sight
As stars are dancing up there high.
Knowing that special someone is
Just somewhere far away tonight.

Crystal pearls the stars that shine
Across the blueness called skyline
Making every little thing purely fine.
Thinking of him standing so bright
In the peace that’s spread tonight.

Beams lighting the sky in harmony
When owls sing a midnight melody
Late night butterflies dancing only.
Lifting my hand up above to write
Lullabies so he can see them tonight.

Slow wind blowing simply around
Linking our emotions that are found
Making it all feel like a magic bound.
Swinging away with a smile so right
Going to bed finally happy tonight.


Yoruko said...

I just came here acidentally, was only looking for a sweet picture. The one with the crying hug was it, that draw my attention to this site. And I would've never imagine, that looking for a picture would bring me to a site full of such wonderful, admirable and beautiful work. I first read only this last one here and thought: she is good... than I continued to read, fell in love with the text 'true love' and wished I would have more time right now to read... but am at work. From what I read till now I can say, I adore your skill in expressing feelings in text and lyrik. I love it, the way its written, the words that are used, everything. Just something I have to say about me: I write poems on my own, but the most in german, but I think the most are very similiar to yours... well, I think we might share many believes too, like the good in all human kind and of course the romantic and dreamy streak in the written works but also in the own mind... I hope I can find the time to read everything here and also, that this isn't your last work.

friendlyheart said...

Hey there Yoruko,

Thank you for your really nice words about my writings. You know there are plenty of people visiting my blog each day but it's barely ever because of the actual writings. Most of them just look for the pictures, it's really nice to know though that some others actually read what i write. I'm thankful to you for sharing your opinion about them, means a lot to me. You know just to know that out there even one of my writings mean something makes it all worthwhile. Makes me feel like what i do is good and thanks for giving that to me today:)

Yoruko said...

You made me register on blogger... I know this site for about 4 years, but never seen a need to create an account. But this site touched my heart that much, that I not only wished I could comment each part of your work once - I won't do for sure, it would be too much - but now I want to do the same... share my own works in a blog. Soon, maybe even today, I will start. Sure most of them will be german, if you understand them feel free to read and comment. At least I think you might like to read the english ones I also have, even if they won't be that good than the german, not used to write english, but still I think the most of them might be worth to read.